Empowering Future Aerospace Innovators

The Nexus between STEM EdTech and the Aerospace, Defense & Government (ADG) Industry

  • Ultra-compact, portable flight and drone simulators with VR immersion and AI instruction. These industry-leading systems are turnkey, with no setup required, and integrated into a medium-sized hard case.

  • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)-aligned programs with online courseware. Designed by industry professionals as career pathways and vetted by education experts. Ready for both, virtual learning and classroom integration.

  • High school and college credit for program completion available through public-private partnerships across industry, government, and academia.

  • Custom-designed databases to track metrics of evaluation during program attendance, as well as student progress after program completion.

  • Video library about career pathways of diverse Aerospace, Defense & Government professionals, supporting students’ own development and inclusion in this workforce.

The Bastion Mission

Bastion is guided by the principles that technical prowess enables tactical advantage and investing in STEM education is investing in the future of our nation’s security.

At the forefront of revolutionizing education to meet the dynamic demands of the U.S. Government and Department of Defense (DoD), our mission is to cultivate a diverse, world-class Aerospace workforce, ensuring America’s continued technological superiority in air and space.

Hands-On Minds-On

Ultra-compact, VR-enabled Nexus Flight Lab AI systems incorporating high-fidelity flight simulation, drone simulation, and an aerospace design studio integrated into a single, medium-sized hard case.

Portability, affordability, and built-in AI instruction remove barriers of cost, schedule, logistics, and teacher experience; enable low-income school districts to seamlessly integrate opportunity and inspiration into secondary education classrooms; and broadly increase exposure to STEM careers.

Industry-First Pathways

Accessible, research-informed, scalable pathway courses aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to ensure America has the future Aerospace workforce pipeline it needs.

Designed through community partnership between public and private sectors to establish career awareness and foundational skills in aviation, drone technology, and aerospace engineering. Modular and ready to blend with existing courses or implement as a standalone program.

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Reach out today and join us in shaping the next generation of Aerospace, Defense & Government (ADG) innovators and ensuring that the United States maintains its technological edge on the global stage.